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WHO? Ahmet Sik: Ahmet Şık born 1970 (Adana) is a Turkish investigative journalist, the author of several books, a trade unionist, and member of Parliament in Turkey. His book, The Imam's Army, investigating the controversial Gülen movement of the Islamic preacher Fethullah Gülen, led to his detention for a year in 2011–2012 and the book's being seized and banned.

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WHEN? June 20, 2015

WHERE? In the center of the Syrian town of Kobane

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WHAT IS HAPPENING? Kurdish fighters with the YPG took full control of Kobane and strategic city of Tal Abyad, dealing a major blow to the Islamic State group’s ability to wage war in Syria. Mopping up operations were started to make the town safe for the return of residents from Turkey, after more than a year of ISIS militants holding control of the town.

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